We decided that Nathan's hair was out of control and it needed to be cut. Being impatient and not knowing how Nathan would do at a salon Sandra and I cut it. It is a good thing that I do not work in that profession because I didn't do such a great job :). Since it has been forever since I have written in here Nathan's hair is now long again. I think this time I might take him somewhere to get it cut professionally!
*****ROADTRIP!!!***** To Sacramento and then Graeagle for Amber and Evan's wedding!
First stop was Sacramento where we stopped by Grandma Hope's place and Nathan got to have her homemade tortillas! I think that he loved them!
Next we went over to my brother's place to meet our new nephew and Nathan's cousin Joseph! We also got to meet Deziree :) Here is a group picture of all of us!
Now we were in Graeagle for Amber and Evan's beautiful wedding!
Here is the wedding party waiting for Amber (I am the second bridesmaid from the left)
Here is the married couple!
Here are Christopher and I at the reception :)
We went to Underwood Farms' Harvest Festival and it was a lot of fun! Most of the pictures I got of Nathan were from far away and of his back. He just takes off and it was hard to try and get a picture of the little man on the move!
Next was the Lombardi Ranch Harvest Festival. The day we went it was super windy! Nathan enjoyed the petting zoo the most :)
Here is Nathan among the pumpkins
Nathan HATED his costume so I took a whole bunch of pre-Halloween pictures just in case he wouldn't wear it on Halloween. Here are some pics of the cutest shark ever!
Nathan actually cooperated a bit for Halloween and allowed us to put the costume on for a couple of minutes without a struggle! For some reason Halloween was really slow this year with kids trick-or-treating. That meant that we were left with a ton of candy, but Christopher was nice enough to take it all to work!
Here's the little shark at Rhonda's house (he had to have his snack cup with him during this time!).
Here is the back of the costume
Nathan with Denise, Christopher, and Ginger
Aunt Karen and Monika came out to LA in October to do some wedding dress shopping. It was really nice seeing them both! Here is Nathan with Karen.
We went to Santa Barbara for a 1/2 marathon, but made it into a little vacation because my old boss got me a great rate at the motel I used to work at! Thanks Shawn!!! Being back in Santa Barbara always makes me wish that I lived there. I really do miss that beautiful city!
Here are Nathan's cute footprints in the sand :)
Christopher and I both did the 1/2 marathon. Christopher did it completely barefoot! I did it in my funky Vibram Five-Finger shoes. We both were not as prepared for the race as we should have been, but at least we finished it! I did push myself a little too hard and felt like I had to puke afterwards. It also took me a couple of days to not feel soreness in my muscles!
We have been taking Nathan to a Waldorf Parent and Child class. The class has six students and everyone is so nice. So far we are loving the school! I look forward to the days that we get to go there :)
Nathan got in teeth #8 & #9! #9 was a molar and that one took forever to come in! I think that it also caused him a lot of pain.
Nathan is saying a lot more words now. I was just thinking today how it is funny how he seems to pick up dog commands easily! He knows "sit," "stay," "go," & "leave-it (sounds like e-it). He knows many other words too.
Nathan has become a very good mimic and we now have to watch what we say and do. Lately, he will copy us on a movement we do or a word we say. It is amazing how much he picks up! He really is a smart little guy, but I am guessing that most kids his age go through this exact same phase :). The cutest is watching him blow his nose or cover his mouth when he coughs.
Nathan has gotten into the bad habits of scratching our faces or arms, biting, or yelling when he is not happy about something. All three of these are not very fun and we aren't sure how to stop them.
Nathan is now 18 months old! Hard to believe that in just six months he will be two!
It is officially fall and my bell pepper plants and tomatoes are just now blooming! I got a late start on those. It is cool to see my plants produce food. Here are some pics :)
Ok, I am officially tired! I will promise to do a better job at keeping this more updated! Joliene, I hope that you enjoyed this!
p.s. you can go to gallery.christopheraedo.com to check out all of our pictures