I think that I must say this in every post, but the time really does fly by! I can't seem to stay caught up in here even though I have every intention to do so.
Nathan turned TWO on 4/26! I can't believe that he is already two. That time did go by so fast. Luckily, he hasn't hit his terrible twos yet, but I am expecting them to be coming any time :(. For his birthday my parents came down for a week to celebrate with us. We decided that we would keep it low-key this year. We went strawberry picking at Underwood Farms and Nathan seemed to enjoy that a lot. I think that the adults enjoyed it too. You really can't beat eating all of the fresh strawberries you want while you are picking them to take home! We went to the zoo and that is always a favorite destination spot for Nathan. For Nathan's actual birthday we went to Disneyland. I thought that he would enjoy it and it would be something fun for us all to do. We left fairly early and got there in record time. When we got there it was surprising at how packed it was. I later heard from some of my friends that have season passes that Mondays and Fridays are bad days to go because they are a little less crowded than the weekends. The only rides that we managed to go on were the boat rides: Jungle Cruise, Pirates of the Caribbean, and It's a Small World. Those were the only lines that had a wait time of 10-15 minutes. Nathan doesn't have much patience these days so standing in lines that had a wait time of 30+ minutes wasn't an option for us because Nathan would be struggling to get out of line. I would have liked to try some other rides, but it was too crowded. It was pretty funny though on the Pirates ride because there are a couple of dips that are in the dark and after we did the dips Nathan would shake his arm violently back-and-forth while saying, "ALL DONE!" Luckily, we were able to distract him so that he wasn't fighting us to jump off of the boat! Overall, I think that Nathan enjoyed it. We tried to get him to fall asleep in his stroller so that he could get a little nap in, but he refused to sleep until we were walking out of the park. Since we didn't want to disturb him we found other things to do for about an hour. The picture in this blog is of him finally asleep after a long day at Disneyland.
We took Nathan in for his two-year check-up and he was looking good! He was 34", which was in the 50th percentile for height. According to many peoples' theory they say that you double the height of your child at 2 and that will be their adult height. If that were the case Nathan would be 68" or 5' 8" and I think that he won't be that height since the men on my side are taller and Christopher and his brother are 6ft or taller. He was 29.4 lbs, which was in the 75th percentile for weight. His head is still in the 10th percentile, but it doesn't look like he has a small head. He also got a shot and was a trooper! He didn't cry at all. We were supposed to have blood work done, but the appointment went longer than we had planned and Christopher had to get to work and the last time Nathan had blood drawn I couldn't be in the room because it was too traumatic to watch and hear. It also took them a few tries last year. Our Ped said that he didn't have to have his blood drawn, so we didn't do it.
Nathan is still copying us and the animals! It is a little frustrating how he copies the animals because he tries to eat and drink out of their bowls! When we go on walks and let Nathan walk he copies everything Lucy does. If Lucy eats grass, Nathan eats grass. If Lucy rolls on the grass to scratch her face, Nathan rolls on the grass. It was hilarious because the other day whenever we got by a fire hydrant or a pole Nathan would lift up one of his legs like he was peeing like a dog (a trick he learned from Aunt Sandra's dog). He also likes to "bark" when Lucy barks. Whenever we tell Lucy or one of the cats something Nathan will repeat what we say, but put his name in. One of his favorites is saying, "Nathan sit." He will even sit at the backdoor before he goes out because that is what we make Lucy do. It really is monkey see, monkey do for him :).
If you are wondering I am 19 weeks now and I can't believe how fast the pregnancy is going. I can't believe that in 1/2 a week I will be half-way done. Next week we have our big ultrasound and hopefully everything will look great. Most everyone says that I look great for being 19 weeks and they don't see that I have a belly at all, but I am getting one and my pants are getting a little snug. I have been feeling the baby for awhile now and it is a cool sensation. I am actually feeling really good.
Once Christopher uploads more pictures to the computer I will do a blog post with just pictures because I am sure those are more fun to look at than read this!