Okay, so I am about nine weeks late in doing this introduction but I figured that I would still get it done. Time is just flying by!
Anderson Thomas Aedo was born on Tuesday 10/12/10 at 5:44 am. He weighed 7lbs 6 oz and was 21" long. He was born at home and to hear about the exciting birth story you can check out my other blog with that story! Home Birth Story
It took us three days to name Anderson and even longer for us to get used to the name :) Anderson doesn't look a lot like Nathan. They have the same nose, but I think that is about it. I think that Anderson looks more like me when I looked like a baby, but we will see when he gets older if that changes. He is one of the calmest babies I have ever encountered! For about the first four weeks of his life he slept so much and would hardly ever cry. We woke him up every three hours to eat and then he would go 4-5 hours during the night between feedings. I felt like something had to be wrong for a baby to be this calm and sleep so much and my midwife told me to count my blessings! He has definitely discovered his lungs now and will belt out a loud cry here and there, but it still isn't much. He is still sleeping great at night and he has even gone for a six hour stretch of sleeping! We are having some breastfeeding problems that we are working on, but he is getting enough to eat because at seven weeks he was weighed and was 11 lbs 15 oz! That is 4 1/2 pounds since birth, which is a lot. To me he doesn't look so much like a newborn because he has gotten so much bigger and is more alert. He has started to smile a little bit and those smiles make my day! I am completely in love with the little guy!
I have recovered from the birth, but I am still adjusting to being a mom of two. Aunt Sandra (Christopher's sister) has been helping me out around the house and with the boys since Christopher went back to work and it has been a huge relief to have her around. One of these days I will have to do it all on my own though! I am looking forward to start exercising again, but I am a little sad that I don't have the excuse of eating whatever I want because the baby in my belly wants it :) Below is the progression of my belly from 4 weeks until birth. It is fun to look back on it!
Nathan didn't take too well to having a new little one in the house at first, but it is getting much better! There are times when I am feeding Anderson or holding him and Nathan wants me to put him down so that I can hang out with Nathan. I love it when Nathan pats or pets Anderson and when he is being really loving towards him. Nathan also calls Anderson "Anserson," which is so cute!
Our household has been one sick one! A couple days before Anderson's birth Nathan and I were both sick. Anderson arrived 8 days early and I was really hoping that he would come after we were feeling better, but he had other plans. On day two of Anderson's birth he got a cold. It was heartbreaking for me to see because he got so congested and the breathing wasn't the easiest for him. Luckily, it never got too severe and he got over it along with Nathan and myself. Then I got another cold! Christopher got a cold soon after me and we were both hoping that the boys wouldn't get it, but after two weeks they did. Then I got sick again and Christopher and Nathan got the stomach flu :( I am hoping that everyone is done with colds for the season!
Here are some of our pictures of Anderson and Nathan. I will post more in the next blog post :) If you want to see our full gallery send me a message and I will send you the link!