It seems like Nathan has been learning a lot of stuff in the last week. I was showing Nathan parts of his body and when I would ask him where his head or tummy is he would point to them. Sometimes he will go a little overboard and keep hitting his head with both of his hands. It looks like the Home Alone pose, but on his head. I asked him where my nose was and he pointed to it. I couldn't believe how he picked this up so fast. I am now working on trying to get him to point to other body parts.
Nathan has learned two new signs. He now knows what "cheese" and "all done" are. He does a modified version of the sign for cheese because he can't quite get the hand movements for it. It is funny when he does the sign for "all done" because sometimes he is just doing it so that he can swing his arm around even when he isn't really done :) For the most part he knows what it means though.
Nathan has officially said his first word. We were playing with his bubbles and I kept saying the word bubbles and then he started saying "buba." I thought that it was cute how he was trying to mimic me, but then this weekend when he would see either the bubble juice or the bubble machine he would say "buba!" I couldn't believe that he was actually trying to say bubbles to the right thing! He has been saying "mama" and "dada," but he will say those while babbling and not to us. When he does want us he will use those words, but I am not counting them as his firsts because he doesn't use them consistently. He has also been trying to mimic sounds that we make and I am sure that his vocabulary will be growing a lot soon. It is kind of funny how all of this stuff happened while Christopher was in Costa Rica :).
Nathan also got in tooth #5! This tooth has been coming in forever and it finally broke through the gums on Saturday. I am really happy that Nathan doesn't get super grumpy when he is teething.
Nathan also took a few steps on his own. The steps he took (all three of them!) were from one piece of furniture to another. He'll walk anywhere as long as he has one of our hands to hold on to, and will usually take two or three more steps if we let go. He loves to walk, but will only do so holding our hand or finger (he has yet to get up by himself and start walking though). If we aren't around he will find anything to push around and use as a walker. He seems like he is close to walking, but I know that he has to try and stand up on his own and he hasn't done that yet. Both Christopher and I don't mind that he isn't walking yet because we can keep better tabs on him :) He does like to climb all over stuff and seems pretty fearless.
That is about all for now!
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