Sunday, June 1, 2014

June Photo A Day Challenge & Day 1

The last time I attempted to do a photo a day challenge (see the back posts of August 2O13] I didn't complete the challenge.  In fact, there is a very high probability that I will not complete this one, but I want to give it a try.

I decided to go with Fat Mum Slim's Photo A Day Challenge because she's been doing this for awhile and a lot of people seem to do hers.  Below are prompts for what we should be taking a picture of every day.

Day 1: June 1:

Today is day one, which is Joy.  Here is my joy :] 

They were modeling the new tent & goggles we got
I am also posting these pictures on Instagram so that they are a part of the photo a day community.  If you are not my friend on Instagram send me a message and we'll make the friendship happen there!


p.s. Yes, I still need to catch up with April and then do May's photo a day posts, but I have to gather all of our cameras and upload the pictures, so I am sure you will see those posts scattered throughout this photo a day challenge!

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