Sunday, May 11, 2014

March Part 2

March 11

Got some antibiotics for Anderson and his injury looks like he was in a serious fight!

March 12

Enjoying a day out getting some pizza and making silly faces

March 13

Brotherly love!

And Anderson's eye is looking much much better!

March 14

Anderson went to the bathroom.  He needed help getting his underwear and pants on, but was fighting me doing so and wanted to do it himself.  I left him alone, but after I didn't see or hear from him after a bit I went and checked on him and found him like this.

March 15

There was a reunion at the Language Garden Preschool for past and current students that we went to.  It was a lot of fun!

March 16

I forgot to take a picture :(

March 17

Our kitchen was getting installed!

March 18

Anderson a week later and looking good!

Nathan looking handsome

March 19

Our kitchen almost all done

March 2O

Spending time at the Kids Club at the mall

March 21

I forgot this day too :(

March 22

Nathan LOVES insects!

March 23

The boys and Gracie all decided to take a nap together

March 24

Forgot again!

March 25

Nathan at soccer class

Anderson got his stitches out!

March 26

Darn, forgot again!

March 27

The boys and Gracie enjoying a movie!  They sure do love this Beagle!

March 28

I forgot to take a picture, so here is one of Nathan the day before.  He was hoping to catch a Leprechaun so that he could hold them for ransom and get some money!

March 29

Mr. Silly Pirate

Nathan dressed up in his Halloween costume when we went out to dinner.

March 3O

We would measure the boys on one of the walls in our house, but since we were painting over it we needed a record of how tall they were :]

March 31

We have a "crazy" lady that lives in our neighborhood.  She is really nice and even though she talks to us once or twice a week she can never remember our names and tells us the same story over and over.  I don't think that she has dementia and if you met her you would see why we call her the "crazy" lady.  Anyway, she would always tell us to bring the boys over to see her horse and they could ride it.  We didn't really know what she was talking about until Christopher went to her house to talk to her roommate.  There, from the front door, he saw the horse she was always talking about and he had to get a picture!

And that is it folks for March!!!  Now I have to work on getting April done and hopefully before May is through!


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